Top 5 Easiest Flowers to Grow for Making Bouquets
Have you ever wanted to grow flowers for making bouquets but didn't know where to start? Me too!
I was always more of a perennial flower grower (you know Lilacs?) and didn't have a clue, and honestly, I didn't have any confidence to direct sow seeds for myself, much less for making bouquets... to give to people!
I've chosen 5 easy to grow flowers to help you make beautiful, lush bouquets that smell great and will be so fun to share!
Here's why I chose these 5:
* They can be direct seeded in the spring.
* They all have long stems (over 18") which are ideal for cut flowers.
* They are fast growers and need very little babysitting.
* They have a long growing season.
* They last a long time in a vase.
* ProCut Lemon (Single Stem)
* Strawberry Lemonade Mix (Branching)
* Queen Series
* Benary's Giant Mix
Favorite Cosmos Varieties
* Double Click Series
* Versailles Mix
* Double Click Snow Puff
Favorite Basil Varieties
* Mrs. Burns Lemon Basil
* Cinnamon
Favorite Dill Variety
* Dill Bouquet